Electronic signature

Move up a gear with electronic signatures

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Electronic signature Contact an advisor

Electronic signature: a real asset for your business.

Do you find yourself blocked or slowed down in carrying out your transactions?

Electronic or e-signature is the solution for you! Simple, robust and compliant with regulations, Docaposte's electronic signature supports your business to accelerate dematerializing your processes and to be more agile moving forward.

A regulatory signature

Used more and more by businesses to manage their exchanges with employees, suppliers and clients, the electronic signatures are the digital solution that will help your day-to-day business and increase efficiency.

Indeed, electronic signatures as well as being reliable and securing your processes, allows you to streamline, simplify and accelerate your exchanges.

Our range of electronic signatures allows you to access the 3 levels under the European eIDAS regulation framework, remotely or locally - according to the legal or business risk of documents to be signed

The simple signature

Implement and access the electronic signature quickly

The advantages Docaposte's simple signature

  • Easy to set up
  • Smooth signing process
  • Easy-to-use
  • Audit trail archived for 10 years

The simple signature is the first level of security and is currently the most widespread in usage.

Docaposte offers the most complete range of electronic signature solutions on the market

Complying to European Regulations (eIDAS), our e-signature range reponds to all needs offering complete, simple and secure digital subscription pathways, whatever the channel (face-to-face, telemarketing, Internet or mobile)

Our Electronic Signature range covers all sectors:

  • Banking

  • Regulated professions

  • Insurance

  • Telecoms

  • Health Insurance

  • Property

  • Utilities

  • Banking

  • Regulated professions

  • Insurance

  • Telecoms

  • Health Insurance

  • Property

  • Utilities

Discover the widest signature offering on the market

Our electronic signature solutions are modular and adapt to your organisation; regardless of your size or activity.

  • Signer en Ligne

    A packaged solution allowing the creation of signature circuits and tracking via a dedicated portal. Just upload your documents, define your recipients and signees and launch your signature circuit.
    • API

      Integration of our functional modules in your pathwaysaccording to your needs. Dedicated modules for some environments such as SalesForce.
      • Customized projects

        Customized signature solutions developed according to your needs and technical constraints by our engineering team and UX/UI experts

        Ideal for signing quotations or contracts (commercial or supplier), mandates and property leases, HR documents (employment contracts, amendments) and archiving all your documents.

        Our teams will support you in implementing the complete subscription process, enabling you to access additional functional modules such as capture, checking of supporting documents, identity checks or sending signed documents towards different channels (AR24's Online Registered Letters, Digiposte's digital safe)

        For public sector organisations, discover Docaposte's FAST PARAPHEUR solution, to electronically sign all documents related to public activity from a computer, smartphone or tablet (iOS and Android compatible)

        Go even further with our additional services

        Do you manage confidential documents? Docaposte's advanced signature guarantees a higher level of electronic signature for documents which require it (bank, savings, life insurance contracts)

        Complying to eIDAS regulations, Docaposte's advanced signature ensures that the signatory is the correct person whilst guaranteeing the integrity of the documents.

        To better respond to your needs and to legal risks related to the content of your exchanges, Docaposte offers 3 types of technology to guarantee the adapted level of identity checks :

        1. Capture and documentary check of identity documents after uploading the document (ID card, passport, residence permit...),
        2. Facial recognition, with capture and checking of identity documents and a selfie (facematching)
        3. La Poste's Digital Identity services offer a 'substantial' level of assurancefor identity checks (equivalent to face-to-face) for a more simple and secure client experience.

        • Offline mode, for mobile signatures 
        • Deployment of a Health Data Storage (HDS) environment for health-related data pathways
        • La Poste qualified time stamps
        • Data encryption
        • Signature verification service

        Benefits for your business and clients, whatever the solution

        • Simplify and accelerate your pathways

          • Electronic signatures accessible from a computer, tablet or a smartphone
          • Available in SaaS mode
          • Multi-signatories and multi-channel
        • Secure and optimize your processes

          • Complies to documentary and eIDAS regulations
          • Managing and tracking your different signature pathways
          • Legally enforcable
          • Completely traceable for all signature circuits and all signatories
          • Guarantee of document integrity
          • Documents processed and stored in France in safes with probatory value
          • Eliminate risk of losing original documents
          • Signature fields visible on signed documents
        • Optimize your costs with electronic signatures*

          • Lower administrative costs generating 30-60% in savings by contract
          • Fast ROI in increasing the rate of returned signed documents by up to 30% and by optimizing your internal management costs by up to 70%
          • *Source: Docaposte study

        Why choose Docaposte's electronic signature?

        Docaposte, a leader in Digital Trust solutions in France and the leading French operator for electronic signatures. With Docaposte you choose trust, expertise and a renowned know how. With a 100-strong team of experts dedicated to electronic signatures for over 10 years, Docaposte guarantees Digital Trust and close support.

        With new versions deployed every month, for over 10 years Docaposte has invested in the development of new functionalities based on client feedback, our innovative technology and regulatory monitoring. This significant investment allows us to better meet our client's needs and to anticipate the future to maintain our position as a leader.

        Our 6 commitments:

        • Sustainability: Docaposte offers clients its financial strength, sustainability of its operations and access to the best solutions through its affiliation with the La Poste Group

        • Trust: Docaposte is a trusted third-party, third-party archiver and certifying authority via its subsidiary Certinomis

        • 100% Docaposte: a thoughtfully designed and developed range of solutions, operated by our teams and hosted on Docaposte's sites

        • 100% French: Docaposte's servers, engineering and project management teams are based in France

        • Support: progressive deployment according to your needs and level of digital maturity of your project. Technical gateways allow switching between solutions or simultaneous usage

        • Compliance: Complying to regulations, Docposte is an Evidence Management Service Provider and is committed to providing evidence in the case of dispute

        Frequently Asked Questions About Electronic Signature

        • The choice of the certificate depends mainly on the security level of the chosen electronic signature (simple, advanced, or qualified). The higher the signature level, the more demanding the certificate is.

          There are two main repositories responsible for defining lists of organizations that issue trust certificates with qualified statuses:

          • The Référentiel Général de Sécurité (General Security Framework): valid at the national level with 3 levels of verification (RGS*, RGS**, RGS***)
          • The eIDAS Regulation: valid at the European level with different degrees (LCP, NCP, QCP, QCP-n-QSCD). 
        • To create an electronic signature, you must first find a trusted service provider to acquire a packaged solution (accessible from a computer, tablet, or mobile device). Then, you need to:

          1. Choose a type of signature (simple, advanced, or qualified) based on your needs (security requirements for signer authentication, budget, customer experience).
          2. Upload your documents (contracts, quotes, etc.) to the chosen electronic signature solution.
          3. Define the recipients/signatories of the documents.
          4. Initiate the electronic signature process.

          Nothing could be simpler for many benefits: reduced administrative costs, complete traceability, document integrity, easy access to information, quick communication with customers and partners, compliance with the eIDAS regulation. 

        • Several steps are required to do this easily:

          1. Equip yourself with an electronic signature solution like Docaposte's.
          2. Obtain an electronic signature certificate issued by a certification authority.
          3. Upload the PDF to the solution, place a signature field on the document, and save it.
          4. Send the document directly through one of Docaposte's electronic signature solutions so that your recipient receives it via email.

          Today, the vast majority of files exchanged are digitized in PDF format, making it a fast and legally valid way to sign documents simply and effectively. 

        • An electronic signature has the same legal value as a handwritten signature. It is admissible as evidence in legal disputes. However, it must still comply with a strict identification process:

          1. Authenticate the signatory's identity.
          2. Ensure the document's integrity (it must not be altered).
          3. Comply with French/European standards and legal usage rules.

          A qualified electronic signature (the highest security level) is presumed to be reliable in the event of a dispute or legal proceedings. Its legal effect is equivalent to a handwritten signature. 

        • With the need to digitize business processes in recent years, companies are now opting for electronic signatures over handwritten signatures.

          The handwritten signature, while still relevant, has its limitations: the need to print documents, initial each page, and the geographical constraint of being in the same location as the document. In contrast, electronic signatures offer unparalleled flexibility. They allow you to sign documents anywhere, anytime, and on any type of device. Furthermore, the electronic signature process is fast, simple, and secure, while maintaining the same legal value as a handwritten signature.

        Our expert knows best!

        "To choose the right tool or signature certificate, you have to choose a trusted partner who can guarantee the quality of service and compliance."

        Michael Sheriff, Expert in Digital Subscription at Docaposte

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        * The fields marked by an asterix are compulsory.