Qualified and certified solutions

Docaposte is eIDAS-qualified for its entire range of Digital Trust services

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Qualified and certified solutions Contact an advisor

It is easy to consider oneself a 'trusted third-parties', but to have recognition by the French state and Europe shows real expertise. An overview of these high-value quality labels demonstrating high levels of excellence. 

eIDAS regulation, the foundation of trust in Europe

The eIDAS regulation lists European Trust Service providers

  • Delivering qualified electronic signature certificates, digital seals, internet site authentification
  • Electronic timestamping
  • Validation of qualified electronic signatures and qualified digital seals
  • Qualified conservation of electronic signatures and qualified digital seals
  • Electronic registered mail

In France, ANSSI (The National Cybersecurity Agency of France) is in charge of eIDAS regulation enforcement. ANSSI certifies providers and services that come under eIDAS regulations.

eIDAS qualification. What is it?

EU Trust Services Dashboard (europa.eu) captions it as: the number of service providers (qualified and non-qualified) of Trust Services in Europe. Source : Official Trusted List
  1. The qualification of a service requires the qualification of the service provider that delivers the service:
  2. Shared high levels demands in terms of: IT security, HR management, network security, operational, traceability, meeting requirements over time.
  3. Valid for 2 years, requires re-evaluation and renewal every 2 years
  4. European recognition
  5. European legal validity

In compliance with eIDAS regulation and to regulate remote identity checks, ANSSI certifies providers of these services , such as Docaposte.

  • Online identity checks with an identity card and a video selfie

  • Allows to know the identity of a user

  • For all users without verified identity

  • Value equivalent to a physical face-to-face check. Level : substantial

  • Winning combination of artificial intelligence and human expertise

  • Legally enforceable value of a Remote Identity Verification Provider

  • Guaranteed proof for identification process

  • Fewer than 10 service providers offer this service in France in 2022

  • Docaposte PVID certified by ANSSI

Discover other offers that may interest you

Validao verifies the trust level of electronic documents

  • Verifies the compatibility of documents with the company's trust policy

  • Available via a web portal or API

  • Intuitive and usable by any co-workers

  • eIDAS qualified

  • Validation reports can be dowloaded and included in an evidence files

  • Independent tool, but compatible with other services (preservation of electronic signatures, electronic archiving)

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