Fighting digital fraud

Implement solutions adapted to your needs when fighting identity and document fraud

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Fighting digital fraud Contact an advisor

For Docaposte, digital fraud is a reality that concerns all of us: it is essential to be concerned about and guard ourselves against it today.

Our solutions and technologies are innovative, interoperable, proven and conform to French and European regulations.

Why integrate Docaposte's solutions?

With the dawn of the digital age, digital fraud has become a reality which threatens all sectors: Banking, Finance, Insurance, Credit institutions, Online betting or gambling, Property, etc.

Identity fraud (deepfake, falsification of identity documents, etc.), use of counterfeit accounting documents, fabrication of counterfeit documents (invoices, bank details, payslips or company information),... these types of fraud are abundant and are aimed at users and their personal data.

There are several solutions to protect against the increasing number of identity and document fraud practices and against existing and emerging risks for businesses and end users. 

Docaposte, the leader in digital trust in France and an expert in processing sensitive data, offers a range of innovative and highly secure options to help businesses and public institutions to confront this scourge.

Fighting against identity fraud

Securely and remotely guaranteeing the identity of a natural or legal person has become a major challenge for businesses, whatever its size or nature of its activity.

Among the solutions to fight against this fraud : the Remote Identity Verification Providers (RIVP).

As a proven technology, it supports remote identity checks equivalent to a face-to-face and responds to all points in the LCB-FT 2021 directive.

Docaposte is renowned for its expertise in remote identity checks supported by its brands such as Certinomis and AR24 as well as La Poste's Digital Identity service.

Our solutions are interoperable and allow you to secure entire client pathways.

RIVP - remote identity checks proven to be equivalent to a face-to-face check

Docaposte continues to innvoate to respond to your challenges and to regulatory changes by enriching its digital identification range with a new remote identity check solution associating state-of-the-art techology with human intervention.

Docaposte is one of the French service providers whose RIVP certification application has been accepted by the ANSSI.

With this RIVP technology currently with authorities, it is Docaposte's ambition to be one of the first French and European service providers to be able to support French businesses in securing and optimizing their client enrolment pathways.

RIVS - remote identity verification service

Our remote identity check procedures are based on our own artificial intelligence algorithms. They allow a totally automated process, simple and fast, based on matching between the data extracted from a valid ID and a video selfie.

Fighting against document fraud

Identity fraud is closely linked to document fraud which consists of falsifying documents transmitted digitally (proof of identity, address, salary, etc.).

Faced with this problem, a number of professionals have found themselves defenseless and often validate fakes without knowing.

Docaposte provides an offering of secure and certified solutions to support you and to simplify your document verification and management.

  • Docaposte's KYC (Know Your Customer) solution

This solution covers the end-to-end conformity process related to knowing the identity, address and revenue sources of your clients. It allows banks to fulfil their KYC obligations in the framework of client onboarding, to fight against money laundering and financing terrorism.

Note: Docaposte's KYC solution is also based on the document certification platform using the Archipels blockchain techology.

  • ERMS - Electronic Records Management System

Electronic Records Management System solutions are of a probative value, guaranteeing the integrity of your documents over time

> Find out more about electronic archiving

  • Advanced electronic signatures

Advanced electronic signatures guarantee a high level of electronic signature security, complying to eIDAS regulations, for your most sensitive documents.

> Find out more about electronic signatures

  • Qualified electronic signature validation service

Docaposte, with its Arkhineo solution, provides a qualified electronic signature validation service and eIDAS qualified electronic seals. 

  • The ID360 platform

This multi-mode electronic identification platform imagined, produced and developped by Docaposte helps you to benefit from all modes of identity verification in a single integration.

> Find out more about the ID360 platform

The Digiposte digital safe

6 million French people have a Digiposte digital safe. Beyond storing digital documents, Digispote ensures the origin of a document to its transmitter, and certifies its authenticity, traceability and integrity.

> Find out more about Digiposte safes

Docaposte's innovation teams also contribute to the document certification solution on the Blockchain, developped by the consortium La Poste, EDF, Engie and Caisse des Depots, to ensure the verification of proofs of address and to guarantee their reliability

> Find out more about Archipels

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In a society that needs to respond to challenges raised by the digital revolution and its increasingly demanding regulatory frameworks, Docaposte is committed to providing responsible digital trust products and services founded on ethical values.

> Find out more about Tech&Trust by Docaposte

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