Artificial Intelligence and Data

Increase your business capacities by combining the wealth of your data and the power of AI

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Artificial Intelligence and Data Contact an advisor

Our objective: to develop autonomous systems capable of reproducing and carrying out human tasks but magnifying them with the power of "the machine".

What challenges for AI?

  • Know your clients, suppliers or your partners better
  • Identify the potential ofthe data within your own organisation
  • Help to detect potential fraud
  • Or to improve existing business processes by mobilizing the potential of data.

Such are the opportinuties of new AI and Data technology.

The objective: to develop systems based on AI technology capable of reproducing and carrying out precise tasks by using computational powers unrivaled by a human, allowing teams to concentrate on their higher value-added tasks and to accelerate scaling up.

Docaposte hosts one of the largest community of specialists (engineers, doctors, data engineers and data scientists) in AI and Data, either through our own teams or via a network of innovative start-ups (French IOT), offering a large range of services, from support to the production of technological components

Why choose Docaposte for your AI (Artificial Intelligence) projects?

  • Openvalue

    Through its subsidiary Openvalue, Docaposte supports its clients in the development of technological assets around AI, Big Data and the Cloud.
    • Probayes

      Probayes develops tailor-made solutions in AI and Data science to better respond to its clients' business needs.

      Ethical AI building on the power and the values of the La Poste group

      Ethical AI supported by 4 pillars:

      • Transparency on the origin and the ownership of data and algorithms used
      • Information on the interactions between the different systems
      • Always human-centred
      • Cybersecurity and AI system integrity

      To accompany the growing use of artificial intelligence, La Poste group has equipped itself with a new data & AI charter.

      This charter defines clear guidelines for an ethical and reasoned use of AI, in agreement with La Poste's historical values. It applies to all group projects, including those integrating generative AI, from internal processes to service offerings.

      Docaposte contributed to its development within the "Committee for a Trustworthy AI", initiated by La Poste in 2022. This committee is composed of representatives from the group, its branches and subsidiaries, and qualified external experts.

      Our expertise in AI covers 4 main themes:

      • Computer Vision

        'Computer Vision' facilitates the processing of elements in an image and/or in video and automatic recognition of information (e.g. address, licence plates, …) or trajectory calculation, ADR/OCR, facial recognition...
        • Natural language processing (NLP)

          'Natural language processing (NLP)' supports the analysis and mobilization of text. In the Group, NLP has allowed for the implementation of a virtual HR assistant. This HR chatbox offers 250,000 users a way to obtain real-time responses or rapid access to reference documents in several areas: Holiday, Pay / employee benefits, remote working, professional development, Health / Quality of work life.... The objective is to free up time for HR for simple questions so they can devote themselves to higher value tasks.
          • Operational research

            'Operational Research' seeks to develop new tools in favour of optimization, e.g. transporting parcels or client shipping routes.
            • Machine Learning

              'Machine Learning' uses deep learning algorithms to reduce financial losses linked to fraud. This is done with minimum inconvenience to the final client, by mobilising the processing of a high volume of daily card transaction data thanks to the processing speed in the authorization process.

              AI and Data in a few figures

              • More than 400

                specialized employees

              • 6

                competence centers in France

              • 1

                established community of innovative start-ups

              • More than 9 billion

                images processed each year

              • 2.8 billion

                transactions analysed each year (fraud detection)

              • 4.4 million

                conversations analysed each year (NLP)

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