The "eIDAS" regulation adopted in 2014 aimed to increase trust in electronic transactions by establishing a common basis for secure electronic interactions between citizens, businesses and public authorities. It established a European framework for electronic identification and trusted services to facilitate the emergence of a digital single market and to provide a framework for the dematerialisation of sensitive acts.
As a leading player in digital trust in France, Docaposte is committed to delivering services and solutions that are in continuous compliance with the applicable regulations.
Docaposte is eIDAS certified for its entire range of digital trust services
Our 5 eIDAS-qualified trusted services

- Delivery of electronic signatures, electronic seals and website authentication certificates, qualified services delivered by Certinomis, a Docaposte brand.
- Electronic time stamping, a service provided by Certinomis, a Docaposte brand.
- Validation of qualified electronic signatures and qualified electronic seals, a service provided by Docaposte via its Arkhineo solution.
- Retention of qualified electronic signatures and qualified electronic seals, a service provided by Docaposte via its Arkhineo solution.
- Electronic registered mail: AR24, a subsidiary of Docaposte, has been qualified since 2019 by the "Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information "(ANSSI). This qualified service is the only one in France to date to benefit from a substantial level of remote identity verification for the reception of electronic registered mail.
L’Identité Numérique La Poste
The first digital identification and authentication solution in France to be qualified by Anssi at the substantial guarantee level of the eIDAS regulation.
La Poste Digital Identity was also awarded the "France Cybersecurity" label in 2021, which recognises French sovereignty and digital trust solutions.
The best electronic archiving solutions on the market
As a trusted third-party archiver, Docaposte's Electronic Archiving Systems provide a solution for all your compliance requirements.
The highest certifications for our data centres
Docaposte has chosen to host its data and services in data centres located in France and operated by our teams. This is an imperative choice that positions us as a trusted digital player.
These data centres are managed by our IT department, which operates completely independently in the design, construction and operation of all IT services (from the design of the room to the management of systems, storage and LAN and WAN networks).
In addition, Docaposte and its Arkhineo digital archiving solution are HDS certified (Health Data Hosting Company). This certification is issued for a period of 3 years by the French Digital Health Agency. The scope of this certification concerns the 6 levels of activities, from the supply of data centres to the operation of IT applications.
By being HDS certified, Docaposte and its Arkhineo solution guarantee stakeholders a high level of health data protection:
- as a physical infrastructure host with data centres in France in which the data is stored
- as an outsourced host that stores this personal data in a dematerialised manner
Our commitment to digital responsibility
Because protecting the environment and reducing the impact we have on society is a commitment for Docapost and the La Poste Group, we have obtained the ISO 14001 certification, a standard for environmental management which is designed to reassure environmentally conscious clients and consumers.
Docaposte goes even further than ISO 14 0001 certification. Our teams are constantly on the lookout for trends in our markets in order to be one step ahead of CSR issues: this is why we have placed responsible digital technology at the heart of our policy. Our commitment to CSR was rewarded in 2020 by the EcoVadis and ACESIA extra-financial assessments, which gave us excellent ratings (72 and 74/100), placing us among the best-rated companies in our sector!
For more than 10 years, Docapost has been voluntarily moving towards ISO 9001, which defines the criteria for a quality management system and establishes a standard that every company will take into account in its way of working. At Docaposte, we have decided to make full use of this standard in order to be a high-performing company in all areas.
Our expert talks about it the best!
"Today, certifications are among the prerequisites expected of a company during calls for tender. Having certain certifications therefore represents a differentiating competitive advantage. Guarantee of quality and service compliance and a sign of confidence for all stakeholders: it is a way of showing our prospective clients and customers that they can have confidence in our services because they meet certain standards."
Arnaud Mourier, QSE Director, Docaposte

As part of a CSR approach, several Docaposte sites have earned ISO 45001 certification related to Occupational Health and Safety, which aims to provide a safe and healthy workplace for employees and visitors thanks to very high levels of security.
Finally, several Docapost entities have ISO 27001 certification for Information Systems Security. It specifies the requirements for information security management systems and ensures their protection, improvement and performance.
Excellent customer relations
In our constant quest to improve the quality of our services, recognising the quality of customer relationship management for our clients and brand owners is essential. By providing these services on behalf of our clients, we carry the promise of these companies: it is important to have the highest level of customer relationship management and to be able to show it.
At Docaposte, the choice was made to maintain the NF system within the ISO system for a better way of managing and benefiting from the complementarity of the two standards. Whereas NF focuses on different types of indicators, ISO focuses on the customer experience and advisor satisfaction. Applying these standards obliges us to progress in this area, to seek continuous improvement of the service and to offer genuine support to the customer.
The NF service 345 standard is the reference standard for customer relations in France. Maileva, a Docaposte brand, which already has ISO 9001 certification, has continued its quality of service approach by obtaining NF 345 certification for its Customer Relations Centre. ISO 18295-1 is an international reference standard. It is more focused on the customer experience, and applies to all factors influencing the Qualitý of Customer Relations. The objective is to provide a better level of customer experience by ensuring that all the means and methods implemented enable customer requirements to be met effectively. It includes measurement and monitoring of the customer experience, a requirement to collect the "voice of the customer", customer recommendations and customer protection.