Green IT

At Docaposte, Green IT is at the heart of our CSR policies

Learn more in our CSR report

Our social responsibility commitments are based on a strong belief : that businesses have a responsibility not only towards their staff and partners but also to the environment and wider society.

Docaposte's CSR policy is based on this commitment: to develop its activities to have a positive impact on society at large, whilst respecting the environment and all of its partners.

Our ambition: working for purposeful, responsible IT, designed to provide safe access for all to new services, whilst respecting the data privacy and choices of all.

Our 360° Green IT policy

Our CSR policies are closely linked to our parent company, the La Poste Group, a public service company, which has chosen to put all its energy into combatting three major societal challenges:

  • Social and territorial cohesion 
  • The advent of ethical and Green IT
  • The acceleration of ecological transition

Docaposte is heavily involved in addressing these three challenges and actively and in particular in three challenges:

  1. Digital inclusion
  2. Frugality
  3. Ethics

Challenge No.1 : working to ensure inclusion

Docaposte is working towards inclusion using these 3 approaches:

  • Through employee relations:

. Maintaining employability

. Action plans linked to our Equality Program

  • Through external stakeholders, notably through partnerships:

. To provide access to employment for handicapped persons

. To reinforce the position of women in the digital professions (Programme Women in IT)

. To attract young people to careers in the digital sector

  • Through our digital services:

. Supporting our employees and users in their digital transition with simple offers accessible to all

Challenge No.2: managing our environmental impact

Docaposte actively works to manage our environmental impact:

  • By reducing the impact of our activities through:

. Optimising the energy performance of our buildings

. Sorting and recycling our waste

. Increasing the ecological awareness of our employees

Our actions are overseen by our environmental management system: 13 of our sites are ISO 14001 certified.

  • In limiting the impact of our digital services through:

. Training in responsible design of digital services for our IT teams

. Procedural life cycle analysis of Docaposte's products and services

. Reducing the environmental impact of our data centres

Alongside our actions to reduce our environmental impact, Docaposte measures the CO2 emissions of its activities, including those of our data centres, and compensates for emissions produced by investing in carbon offsetting schemes alongside our parent company.

Challenge No.3: Putting ethics at the heart of our actions

We put ethics at the heart of our commercial relations:

  • By committing with our suppliers to responsible and ethical purchasing (La Poste's Responsible and Ethical Charter)
  • Through our Conformity/Competition/Anti-corruption program

We consider ethics in the use and processing of data:

  • AI ethics
  • Trusted third-parties

It is Docaposte's ambition to develop democratic, reliable and secure digital technology usage that respects the environment.

Docaposte, trusted third party

Our CSR commitments for Green IT

  • Develop inclusive digital services, accessible to all

  • Limit the environmental impact of our activities

  • Eco-design our services and digital solutions

  • Adopt ethical digital practices

  • Develop inclusive digital services, accessible to all

  • Limit the environmental impact of our activities

  • Eco-design our services and digital solutions

  • Adopt ethical digital practices

Since September 28, 2022, Docaposte has signed the Sustainable IT Charter from the Institut du Numérique Responsable (a French think tank specialized in Sustainable digital technology). This signing endorses Docaposte's commitment to take into account the social and environnemental impacts of digital technology as well as its will to reduce its impact both in the context of its activities and in the digital services offered to its customers.

By signing this charter, we formalize our commitment to :

  • Optimize our digital solutions to limit their impact and consumption
  • Develop service offers that are accessible to all, inclusive and sustainable
  • Adopt ethical and responsible digital practices Promote the advent of new behaviours and values

Docaposte and CSR in figures

  • 12,070

    tonnes of CO2 offset by Docaposte in 2020

  • 85%

    Digiposte compliance rate for accessibility

Together with the La Poste Group : reducing our carbon emissions is one of our priorities

The La Poste Group, a pioneer in ecological and energy transition, has long championed the importance for companies to be aware of the environment and the wider society in which it operates.

Since 2012, Docaposte has contributed alongisde the La Poste Group, to the "Climate Solidarity" an international carbon-offsetting program.

Our expert knows best!

"Our CSR challenges are at the heart of our strategy and are taken into account both in our organisation and the digital services we provide. It isn't some ethical concern disconnected from reality, but a real expectation in society. The expectations placed upon our ecosystem increasingly reflect 3 concerns: fighting against exclusion, preserving our environment and adopting fautless ethical behaviour. Docaposte's actions in this respect are exemplary, as we are not only committed to reducing our environmental impact but also to creating ethical digital services, accessible to all."

Delphine BENARD, CSR Director at Docaposte

Download our 2023 CSR report